The keys to unlock any closed door



Don't we often find a door closed in front of us and blame our fate for missing the opportunity?

What if Allah is protecting us from a danger!

"But Allah is your protector and He is the best of helpers" [Al Qur’an 3:150]

At times, we perceive things as insurmountable because our minds are limited in their perspective. However, this changes when Allah (Al-Fattah | ٱلْفَتَّاحُ | The Opener, The Supreme Solver, The Victory Giver), in all His magnificence, enlightens our minds and transforms what once appeared impossible into reality. Just like Allah sends rain to revive barren lands, He opens to us the gate of provision and sustenance, unlocks the sealed hearts and bathes them with His light, bringing peace, righteousness and a sense of achievement to them.

But why is that door not opening despite our best efforts?

There must be a reason behind its closure! Maybe we still needed some time to prepare ourselves for what’s coming ahead. Or maybe Allah wants to use us to make changes in certain systems, events, or environments through it. Only Allah possesses the power to unlock the doors to equip us for the next challenge. It's a matter of time, patience, perseverance, and prayer.

“And with Him are the keys of the unseen treasures: none knows them but He, and He knows what is in the land and in the sea” [Al Qur’an, 6:59]

How can we receive the maximum of the divine blessings?

We must choose to close some doors for His sake, whether it means letting go of bad habits, negative influences, or distancing ourselves from places of wrongdoing, even if it causes enduring physical hardships. Similarly, open doors of goodness for others, and Allah will, in return, open the doors of goodness for you. Because all the connections in our life are shaped by our relationship with Allah; Al-Fattaah.

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

…glad tidings to the one whom Allah makes a key to good and a lock for evil, and woe to the one whom Allah makes a key to evil and a lock to good.“ [Sunan Ibn Majah 238]

So don't keep looking back at that closed door with regrets anymore, see it as a blessing from Allah, consider it as a chance to improve and acquire new skills. Have complete trust in His judgement, always be content and grateful for whatever the Lord has decreed for you. These phases of ease and trial are all just a part of a greater plan. 

Al-Fattaah says: Whatsoever mercy Allah opens to mankind, none can withhold, and whatsoever He withholds, none can lose after Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. [Al Qur’an 35:2]

Are you curious to explore the exquisite quality of Al-Fattah in greater depth? Delve into the ways we can receive more gifts from the sources listed below.
